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10. Pozo, D., J. C. Marín, L. Illanes, M. Curé and D. Rabanus, 2016: Validation of WRF forecasts for the Chajnantor region. In press. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 10.1093/mnras/stw600


9. Córdova, A. M., J. Arévalo, J. C. Marín, D. Baumgardner, G. B. Raga, D. Pozo, C. A. Ochoa, and R. Rondanelli, 2016: On the transport of urban pollution in an Andean mountain valley. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 16: 593–605.


8. Marín, J. C., D. Pozo, and M. Curé, 2015: Estimating and forecasting the precipitable water vapor from GOES satellite data at high altitude sites. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 573, A41.


7. Marín, J. C., D. Pozo, E. Mlawer, D. Turner and M. Curé, 2013: Dynamics of local circulations in mountainous terrain during the RHUBC-II project. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 3641-3656.


6. Pozo, D., G.B. Raga, D. Baumgardner, J. C. Marín, 2013: Aerosol particles in the Mexican East Pacific. Part II: Numerical simulations of the impact of enhanced CCN on precipitation development. Atmósfera, 26 (2), 221-241.


5. Marín, J.C., D.J. Raymond, and G.B. Raga, 2009: Intensification of tropical cyclones in the GFS model. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 1407-1417. Link: 


4. Marín, J.C., G.B. Raga, and D.J. Raymond, 2009: Assessment of global numerical models in the East Pacific as evidenced from EPIC2001 project. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 46, 2-18. Link:


3. Pozo, D., I. Borrajero, J.C. Marín and G.B. Raga, 2006: A numerical study of cell merger over Cuba. Part I: Implementation of the ARPS/MM5 models. Ann. Geophys., 24, 11, 281-2792. Link:


2. Pozo, D., I. Borrajero, J.C. Marín and G.B. Raga, 2006: A numerical study of cell merger over Cuba. Part II: Sensitivity to environmental conditions. Ann. Geophys., 24, 11, 2793-2808. Link:


1. Pozo, D., I. Borrajero, J.C. Marín and A. Bezanilla, 2006: A numerical study of the development of convection on 21 July 2001 over Cuba. Atmósfera, 19, 4, 235-253. Link:

Refereed Publications

- Me, myself and Einstein :-) -

“If you can't explain it simple, you don't understand it very well”


Papers on revision

1. Marín, J. C., and B. Barrett: Seasonal and intraseasonal variability of precipitable water vapor in the Chajnantor plateau, Chile. Under revision in International Journal of Climatology.

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